As a sophomore I’m starting to think about jobs, and how to prepare for getting the infamous dream job everyone talks about. What better way to prepare than by going to a career workshop? So on Wednesday I packed my resume and portfolio and headed to PRSSA’s 3rd Annual Communications Career Workshop.
After listening to the two wonderful keynote speakers it was time to mingle with the communication professionals and learn about what to really expect when entering the workforce. A quick roundtable with Mike Lake from Burson-Marsteller established clear expectations about what salary to expect, and how to work your way up the communications ladder. Fifteen minutes later I was sitting with Chris Anderson from The Marketing Arm reviewing my resume and discussing ways to better present myself on paper. By the end of the night I felt prepared to take on any job interview that came my way, and more confident about finding my perfect job.
The key message that rang through the night was simple: The way to your dream job is created by you. Work hard, take as many internships as possible, brand yourself online, use social media, review your resume and practice interviewing. Following these steps will guide you to that dream job everyone’s talking about.
I love this graph! It's very true how all of those things have to come into play when searching for your dream job.
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